We’re glad to announce the immediate availability of PraiseBase Presenter 1.2.3! This version fixes various issues and improves the usability with regards to the Bible verse feature.
- Various improvements in the Bible verse module:
- The representation of bible verses has been simplified. In this new view, multiple verses can be selected by clicking on the first verse, and then clicking on the last verse while pressing down the SHIFT key.
- Selected bible verses can now, if desired, displayed automatically.
- The action “Check thumbnails” in the “Extras” menu does now cleanup thumbnails of which the original image does no longer exist.
- Multiple issues have been fixed which were related to CCLI .usr and OpenSong XML song files.
- When importing songs fron a database, the default background is now set correctly.
- The bible verse search function was broken; it has now been fixed.
- Annotations in bible verses are no longer shown in the presentation view.